Wasn't sure if I should title this Camera Phone or Phone Camera. When Camera Phones were first released, they were a novelty and Camera was used to describe the phone. Now that they are standard (as are digital cameras), the word phone is used to describe the camera. Hmm ....
Anyway ..........
As long as I'm on the subject of shooting photos with my phone ....
As most moms, I love having a camera with me at all times on my phone. Usually it's to catch those great funny moments that you want to tweet or FB, but aren't going to hang up on the wall or even email grandparents because the camera on the phone just isn't fast enough or doesn't zoom enough or something and the kid moves or something and it's not quite right. Every now and then I get a great one that I am super proud of.
This is one of those moments.
Audrey, looking out the window, holding her new teddy bear on the way home from daycare the other day. I threw in a couple built-in effects from my phone and voila ... an awesome photo that I had to print out and hang up on my wall. The quality was even great enough that I could print it 8x10 if I wanted. I opted for 5x7 on this one. Now I can look at it all day long at work.